An unconventional twist on the children's tale, Goldilocks follows the relationship between Paul and Lisa, a young couple getting married sooner than expected due to a pregnancy. As Paul tries to figure out who he is, he stumbles into the drag scene and becomes Goldilocks, a drag queen performing with her "three bears." The relationship is tested as Paul explores his new identity.
45 minutes
An unconventional twist on the children's tale, Goldilocks follows the relationship between Paul and Lisa, a young couple getting married sooner than expected due to a pregnancy. As Paul tries to figure out who he is, he stumbles into the drag scene and becomes Goldilocks, a drag queen performing with her "three bears." The relationship is tested as Paul explores his new identity.
45 minutes
Thespis Theater Festival. New York, NY. August 2016.
Mini Musical Festival. Providence, RI. March 2015.
Thespis Theater Festival. New York, NY. August 2016.
Mini Musical Festival. Providence, RI. March 2015.
Leaving Home (feat. Dan Rapuano):
Lisa's Lullaby (feat. Canning Robb):